Rage Against The Toaster

Rage Against The Toaster
Rage Against the Toaster - A Horror Movie

Rage Against the Toaster - A Horror Movie

When Emma bought an old toaster at a yard sale, she had no idea what horrors lay ahead. As soon as she plugged it in, strange things started happening. The toaster would burn bizarre symbols into the bread, and Emma couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her.

In a panic, Emma turned to her friend Sam, who was into all things paranormal. Sam arrived at Emma's house and took one look at the toaster before bursting into laughter.

"Emma, you've got a demon toaster!" Sam exclaimed. "It's a toaster that's possessed by a demon. It's not uncommon, really. Happens all the time."

Emma wasn't sure if she should believe Sam or if her friend was just messing with her. But as the toaster continued to produce demonic toast, Emma began to think that maybe there was something to Sam's theory.

The two friends decided to perform an exorcism on the toaster, armed with only a spray bottle of holy water and a piece of stale bread. But as they chanted incantations and sprayed water at the toaster, it began to growl and shake.

Before they knew it, the toaster had sprouted legs and arms, and was now a fully-formed demon toaster. It chased Emma and Sam around the house, burning symbols into everything it touched.

Emma and Sam knew they had to destroy the demon toaster before it destroyed them. They lured it into the kitchen and turned on the gas stove, trapping the demon toaster in the flames.

As they watched the toaster burn, Emma and Sam breathed a sigh of relief. But as they turned to leave, they heard a faint whisper: "I'll be back."

From that day on, Emma and Sam never looked at a toaster the same way again.