Walgreens Pharmacist Gleefully Denies Patient Lifesaving Medicine Because of Typo


Tucson Arizona. 

Local Pharmacist Michelle at Walgreens in rural Tucson Arizona takes pride in her job and nothing is more satisfying than denying healthcare to second class citizens and elderly because of insurance glitches.

"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life, " said Michelle . " Nothing is more satisfying to me than saying to NO to filling a prescription of life saving medicine for a child with cancer because of a small typo. Just seeing that look of despair on the customers face knowing their children will go without their life saving medicine is everything I've been working for. Whether it's a typo an insurance error, or something I could have spent 15 seconds of research and easily corrected, there is nothing more satisfying than saying NO and laughing about it to co-workers as soon as the customer leaves.  I mean, yes Absolutely nothing would have happened to me if I filled this non-narcotic readily available, commonly prescribed medication, anyway, as this was clearly a mistake the pharmacist before my shift had made, there is nothing that gives me more joy than bureaucracy. " Michelle stated as she continued to mislabel other medications with the wrong instructions and insurance information.